Get inspired and collaborate to enhance resilience and improve disaster recovery
Join an exceptional community of planners, engineers, policy-makers and researchers who will collaborate during the online events of Understanding Risk BC (URBC) 2020.
Event Summary
Understanding Risk (UR) BC 2020 is an online, collaborative symposium and event series that will foster place-based risk reduction strategies to proactively reduce risk, enhance resilience and improve disaster recovery pathways in BC.
URBC 2020 will feature online events from summer to fall- 2020:
Summer Webinars: Hear from local and international experts on the holistic understanding of disaster impacts
Launch Events: September and November sessions that merge art, knowledge, practice and policy to share key updates, and offer a sneak-peek at upcoming themes and sessions.
Initiatives-in-focus Workshops: Step into the shoes of leading practitioners and policy makers in BC to wrestle with initiatives that aim to understand and communicate risk, reduce risk and build resilience
Dialogue Panels: Tune into exciting conversations that examine key tensions, challenges and opportunities to build resilience in BC
Closing: Connect, reflect, celebrate and initiate next steps
Event Objectives
Reporting on progress of actionable strategies and outcomes from previous and ongoing UR Symposiums as well as related DRR/CCA efforts
Demonstrate components of the BC Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Hub, identify opportunities for its short-term priorities and advance its long term financial and governance model
Advance essential and non-traditional partnerships across the science-policy-action interface to reduce risk and build resilience
Make connections across projects and initiatives towards enhanced collaboration and reduced duplication
Support advancement and implementation of existing recommendations and commitments that have been made in BC and Canada in relation to climate and disaster risk management by fostering generative dialogue across disciplines and cultures
2020 Online Symposium + Events Series
Summer-Fall 2020
Online Webinars
On Zoom Platform
What is URBC?
Subscribe for Updates
Join URBC’s low volume newsletter to receive updates about URBC initiatives
Professional Learning Credits
Engineers and Geoscientists of BC: One hour of activity at the symposium is eligible as one informal professional development hour for Engineers and Geoscientists BC registrants.
AIBC registrants are eligible to self-report for learning units (LUs).
PIBC members are eligible for professional learning credits as follows:
0.25 Units = 15 Minutes
0.50 Units = 30 Minutes
0.75 Units = 45 Minutes
1.00 Units = 1 hour

More about URBC 2020
With 20 interactive online workshops and insightful webinars, URBC 2020 will explore:
Risk reduction ‘big moves’ to support a resilient 2050 in the Lower Mainland
Recent advancements in hazard and risk assessments for our region
Coordinated governance of disaster and climate risk management in BC
Grounding our resilience through Indigenous approaches to wellness
Tensions and incentives for seismic risk reduction
Strategies to reduce Fraser River and coastal flood risk in the Lower Mainland
Financial incentives for investing in risk reduction and adaptation
Challenges and opporunties for development in hazardous areas
And more!
Come and play a role, be a part of the solution! Share your successes and challenges, voice your priority for how to use open risk modelling in service of risk reduction strategizing and investment, and put your weight behind those priorities we can continue to move on in 2020 and 2021!
Make sure to check us out on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn more and stay up-to-date!

The Understanding Risk Community
Understanding Risk (UR) is an open and global community of over 6,500 experts and practitioners interested and active in disaster risk identification. UR community members share knowledge and experience, collaborate, and discuss innovation and best practice in risk assessment and risk communication and how to apply risk assessment in service of risk reduction and building resilience.
Registration Fees + Volunteers
The Understanding Risk Community is underpinned by the principle that events should be open and accessible to all. Please contact the organizers if you would like to request a waiver for registration fees and/or would like to volunteer in place of paying the registration fee. We are seeking volunteers to assist with social media, convenor supports, and other event- related tasks.